Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Before I started learning about astrology I thought it was all about the stars.
Read your stars - what do your stars say?
But once I started studying, I realized this wasn’t the case.
While the constellations in the Zodiac are important, the real stars of the show are the planets.
They bring the energy the chart.
And they represent the humanness in astrology.
So reading the planets IS reading you!
Kind of important, right?
But with so much going on in your natal chart, reading your planets can feel overwhelming.
Here are 3 tips you can use right now to help bring more clarity and less confusion when reading your planets:
Planets are the actors in the show.
They are the ones taking action.
I like to think of each planet as a different character.
Each one has its own set of motivations, fears, & desires.
And if you can think of the planets as characters, you can then think of the signs they sit in as the costumes they wear.
Just like we do when we wear different kinds of clothes (pajamas, black tie, our favorite outfit), we act a little different in each.
So when I’m reading a planet, I ask myself a few questions:
If you struggle to combine a planet and sign when reading a chart, try this method and see if it sparks more ideas.
I remember as a beginner seeing ALL of those lines in the middle of the chart and thinking I’d never be able to figure it out.
So I ignored them.
And that is perfectly fine for those who are just starting to learn - in fact, it’s a good idea!
But when the initial astrology overwhelm has lifted and you’re ready to layer in more spice and detail - it’s time to dive into that sea of lines and see what’s up.
I’m talking about the aspects.
Specifically, the angles formed between them.
Now, if we’re getting technical, every planet forms some kind of angle with every other planet in your chart.
But in astrology, there are specific angles that hold more weight.
Like with human relationships, planetary aspect relationships come in different varieties:
As you can imagine, the type of relationship a planet has (and who it’s with) will influence how it behaves.
Is the Sun friendly with Mars or are they behaving more like arch-enemies?
That can make a difference!
So when you’re ready (but not before), look at the planet’s aspect relationships and ask yourself how they could help shape your planet.
One of the hardest things about astrology is the vast amount of information in a natal chart.
A vital skill is knowing what to focus on and what to ignore.
I'm not saying that there are things in the chart that aren't important or insightful because EVERYTHING in it has meaning.
But, trying to take it all in at once is information overload!
If you want to understand every tiny detail of a chart and have years to spend on it, go for it.
And that can feel tricky.
One thing that makes this tricky is that astrologers you may follow each have their own ideas about which planets to start with.
Some advice I heard from the great astrologer, Stephen Forrest, is that different methods aren’t wrong - they’re just different.
With this in mind, you can pick a method that feels right for you and go with it - no need to overthink.
Here is how I approach a chart when determining which planets to focus on first:
Those two planets alone represent a big chunk of the puzzle.
Only dive deeper when you feel you have a good handle on the Sun and Moon.
And you will get a sense of the story your natal chart is telling.
So start slow.
Have a narrow focus and add in more planets only as you feel ready.
At that point, other planets you add to the story probably won't change the plot entirely.
They will add more complexity, twists & turns.
And if you’re new to astrology and would like to finally learn how to use your birth chart as a tool for more clarity, purpose, and self-discovery, we can help.
Get our free Birth Chart Basics Handbook and let us walk you through it, step-by-step.
Click below to skip the astrology overwhelm & snag our FREE Birth Chart Basics Handbook (and start pulling wisdom from your chart today)!
Until next time, have a great week.
Much love,
Love You → Love Others
I went from lost and desperate to feeling more joy and a sense of purpose. And all it took was a little ancient wisdom! Now my mission is to accompany you on your self-discovery path so you can unlock more happiness and self-love as well!
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The Happy Mystic
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