What are the battlefields of YOUR life?

What are the battlefields of YOUR life?

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

We all have challenges.

But mine look a little different than yours.

And yours aren’t exactly the same as your next-door neighbors.

And their specific struggles are unique to them as well.

​Each of us has our own unique obstacles we deal with.

I like to think of these as our battlefields of life.

These are areas with hurdles, setbacks, or conflicts we keep running up against.

Or, they could feel like good challenges, skills, or talents we master.

These are the big themes that dominate our lives.

And no matter how these battlefields manifest, they usually offer us opportunities to learn and grow.

​Through these lessons, we have the chance to up-level our:

  • wisdom
  • emotional intelligence
  • bravery
  • authenticity
  • unconditional love for others
  • or all of the above!

Our battlefields of life define our experience and help to shape us.

​Because our birth chart is a tool for personal development, it can give us insight into what these important battlefields might be.

We can pinpoint areas that are vital for our growth as a soul.

Once we find and read them in our chart, we can reflect on how we have experienced these placements throughout our lives.

And we can ask ourselves what these battlefields in our chart want to teach us.

What are we here to learn?

But, to find these important battlefields, we need to know where to look.

That is what we are going to investigate in this article.

By the time you are done reading this, you will have 3 things you can look for in your own chart that could point to your own battlefields of life.

There are more possibilities than 3, but these are 3 places where you can definitely dig out some wisdom

And of course, your Sun and Moon are two of the most important placements in your chart and could absolutely offer their own themes and lessons in your life.

But I want to give you the next steps.

So let's go!

#1 Your Chart Ruler

Each of us has a planet that’s given the special status of the ruler of our birth chart.

This planet helps to shape how others see you and how you view the world.

It adds more complexity to your sense of self.

Some astrologers feel its placement describes ongoing themes you'll encounter in your lifetime - things that just keep popping up again and again.

​When I am doing a reading, the chart ruler is often the place I turn to right after the Sun and Moon.

And finding out which planet this is for you is easy - it’s the planet that rules your rising sign.

Let’s break that down.

If you aren’t sure what you’re rising sign is, pull your chart up in astro.com.

Look at the left side of your chart and find the boundary line of your 1st House (the horizontal line).

The sign that your 1st House lands in is your rising sign.

​Find your rising sign in this list to see which planet rules it:

  • Aries→Mars
  • Taurus→Venus
  • Gemini→Mercury
  • Cancer→Moon
  • Leo→Sun
  • Virgo→Mercury
  • Libra→Venus
  • Scorpio→Pluto
  • Sagittarius→Jupiter
  • Capricorn→Saturn
  • Aquarius→Uranus
  • Pisces→Neptune

Now you can open your chart and track down that planet.

The house your chart ruling planet sits in may point to battlefield areas in your life.

Its sign indicates the “costume” it will wear or the "flavor" it will take on as it goes about its business.

​For instance, this person’s rising sign is Cancer, which means their chart ruler is the Moon.

In their birth chart, the Moon is in the 11th House in Taurus.

I wonder if finding harmony and stability is an ongoing theme for this person when it comes to groups they are a part of or how they plan for their future.

Your chart ruler also adds more complexity to the way others see you.

In our example above, this person may come off to others as nurturing (Cancer rising) and also calm and socially skilled (chart ruling Moon in Taurus in the 11th House).

​You can find the location of your chart ruler and ask yourself what kinds of ongoing lessons it may be offering you?

And if you’re new to astrology and would like to finally learn how to use your birth chart as a tool for more clarity, purpose, and self-discovery, we can help.

​​Get our free Birth Chart Basics Handbook and let us walk you through it, step-by-step.

Click below to skip the astrology overwhelm & snag our FREE Birth Chart Basics Handbook (and start pulling wisdom from your chart today)!

#2 Stellium

Sometimes you open a chart and see a clump of planets all huddled together in one place.

​Because the planets are the energy in a chart, you know this area will make its presence known in your life somehow.

This grouping of 3 or more planets in one sign or house is a stellium.

When I’m reading a chart and see a stellium, I may go there after the Sun and Moon instead of the chart ruler because this party of planets has a story to tell.

These concentrations of planetary energy are very capable of achieving "battlefield status."

​For instance, one of my children has a stellium in the 12th House that includes their Sun, Mercury, and Pluto.

(Their Sun is so close to being in the 12th House that I consider it to be part of the mix).

Some common names for the 12th House are The House of Self-Undoing, The House of Hidden Enemies, and The House of Secrets.

It’s the most misty and mysterious house, in my eyes, and they’ve got a whole lot going on in there.

​This very energetic 12th House will be a battlefield in their life as the 12th House isn’t an easy one.

But awareness is half the battle.

Luckily, meditation, quiet solace, and spiritual connection are things they are already drawn to.

And they are also great ways to express this heap of 12th House energy in a healthy way.

There are also lots of opportunities for soul growth here.

For them, and all of us, one byproduct of navigating these battlefields of life can be wisdom.

​So check your chart and see if you have any gatherings of planets eager to have your attention.

#3 Aspects

Sometimes there is a planet hanging out in a chart all alone.

On the surface, it looks like it wouldn’t cause much of a stir.

But then you notice it's tied to other influential planets in the chart.

Maybe it's in a relationship with the Sun or Moon.

Or, it could be in relationships with nearly everybody - casually pulling the strings from behind the scenes where no one would suspect it!

The relationships I'm talking about here are planetary aspects.

​A birth chart is a circle, so technically speaking, everything in the chart is making some kind of angle with everything else.

But in astrology, there are specific angles that are most influential.

These special angles are called aspects and you can think of them as ways planets connect and have relationships.

And just like with us, there are all different kinds of relationships planets have depending on their aspect (the angle they make).

​They can be friendly, tense, giddy or even hostile.

When planets are in aspect, they need to work together somehow.

Some planets may like it.

Other planets may not.

Regardless, for the person with the aspect, part of their growth is tied up with finding a way to satisfy the needs of both of these planets.

These planets in aspect need to collaborate.

​If a planet is in aspect with the Sun or Moon, this up-levels its importance.

In the example chart above, Saturn may not look incredibly influential, but because it is in aspect with both the Sun AND the Moon it could turn out to be a major player.

​Another possibility is that you could find a planet that seems to be in aspect with darn near every other planet in your chart - it could also be in need of your attention.

And it could signal a battlefield area of life.

Aspects are often thought of in 2 camps. 

→ There are soft aspects, meaning they are more friendly or harmonious relationships.

These planets are happy to support each other’s efforts.

But there is also a different, less eager camp - the hard aspects.

→ Hard aspect relationships can feel more tense or even be loaded with conflict.

One mistake people make with aspects, however, is they automatically get excited if they see soft aspects in their charts.

And, they go into panic mode when they find hard ones.

But soft aspect can be deceptive.

Something that feels easy in our lives can fly under the radar.

Without conflict we may not put energy into it and our potential in that area suffers because of it.

And hard aspects, even though they can feel more challenging, can be incredible catalysts for action and growth.

Because there may be tension or challenge there, we may put more energy into it.

​So how do you know if you have any planets in aspect to other important planets in your chart?

Open your chart and look for the aspect table.

See who your Sun, Moon, or chart ruler is in aspect with.

Also, notice if any planets seem to be super-social in your chart - in aspect with anybody and everybody.

A planet like this could be one of those sneaky ones that we never suspect hold much power when they actually do.

If you aren’t sure how to read an aspect table, I made a video that walks you through the basics (click here to watch).

These definitely aren’t the only possibilities when it comes to finding important, lifelong themes in your chart.

​But it gives you a great starting point.

Finding battlefields in your chart can feel tricky because some may not be evident right away.

We may see a hotbed of activity in our chart and think, I’ve got nothing super important or life-altering going on in those areas in my life!

And it isn’t until later, down the road, that it surfaces or you recognize it.

Sometimes our battlefields are obvious and sometimes you only recognize them in hindsight.

But if we can get clues from our chart as to where they may show up in our lives, we can go forward with more self-awareness and uncover more wisdom.​

Until next time, have a great week.

Much love,

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Hi, I'm Peggy

I went from lost and desperate to feeling more joy and a sense of purpose. And all it took was a little ancient wisdom! Now my mission is to accompany you on your self-discovery path so you can unlock more happiness and self-love as well!

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